Men Skating
Bringing Together the Greatest Male Professional Figure Skaters
MEN SKATING is a production suitable for both non-profit dance festivals as well as for-profit commercial venues. Its Mission is to explore, create, and present original choreography to all types of music combining both the artistry and athleticism of all skating disciplines. Featuring an all male cast, it is the vanguard of artistic skating entertainment.

Rodeo Photo: Kim Zaruba

Javelin Photo: Kim Zaruba

Machine Photo: Kim Zaruba

Rodeo Photo: Kim Zaruba

Premiered November 6, 2014
Laurel, MD
Choreographed and directed by:
Nathan Birch and Tim Murphy
Music by:
Michael Torke
Ryan Bradley,
Wesley Campbell, Jonathon Hunt,
John Kerr, Shaun Rogers,
and Rohene Ward.

Premiered in 1991
Choreographed by:
Nathan Birch
Music by:
Jukka Linkola
Will be revived in Fall 2019
Premiered 1988
Choreographed by:
Tim Murphy
Music by:
The Eurythmics
Revived 2015
Michael Solonoski
Wesley Campbell
Ian Lorello

On the Beautiful Blue Danube
Premiered April 1990
Choreographed by:
John Curry
Music by:
Johann Strauss II
Revived 2018
Wesley Campbell
Ian Lorello
Neill Shelton
Tess Terpos
Premiered 1983
Choreographed by John Curry
Music by:
Aaron Copeland
Revived 2019
Ryan Bradley, Mauro Bruni,
Wesley Campbell, Jonathan Hunt, Richard Kahn, Adam Kaplan,
Ian Lorello, Neill Shelton,
Michael Solonoski and Rohene Ward